Spam emails are relentless and can be dangerous if you click the links they contain. Here are some ways to handle spam emails:
- Train your spam filter: Most email programs, such as Outlook, have a spam filter that can be trained to identify and filter out spam emails. When you receive a spam email, mark it as spam so that your email program can learn to identify similar emails in the future. You can also forward the message directly to [email protected] so Microsoft’s spam filters can be improved. The process of marking an email as spam varies depending on the email client you use. For example, in Gmail, you can select the email and click on the “Report spam” button on the menu.
- Block the sender: If you keep receiving spam emails from a particular sender, you can block them. This will prevent any future emails from that sender from reaching your inbox. The process of blocking a sender varies depending on the email client you use. For example, in Gmail, you can select the email and click on the “Block” button.
- Unsubscribe from mailing lists: If you are receiving unwanted emails from a mailing list, you can unsubscribe from it. Most emails from mailing lists have an “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email. Click on the link to unsubscribe from the mailing list.
- Avoid clicking on links in spam emails: Spam emails often contain links that can lead to phishing websites or malware. Do not click on links in spam emails.
Stay safe out there!