Fix Chrome or Migrate Chrome to Edge

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If you are like me, you tend to not want to change things on your computer. You like your background to be what you want it to be, your icons on the desktop you have in a certain order, your quick launch icons are always the same, and you use one browser. Everything works like you want it to, and you like it that way. Your job is easier because you don’t have to think about where your icon is, or where that program is you want to open. Don’t get you started on your browser! You have it set up a certain way for a reason. It remembers all your sites, you have your favorites set, it auto-populates your usernames, possibly address, and it remembers the passwords for those sites that you have told it to remember!

Problem with Chrome being slow

Most people and companies made the switch a long time ago to Google Chrome, but lately, something has just been “off” with it. It doesn’t want to launch, it slows down your computer when you have it open, and it eats all your resources! Believe me when I say that I was in your shoes a few months ago. I couldn’t do anything with Chrome without it slowing down my beefy gaming computer that can run the most resource-intensive of games with ease.

And to make matters worse, one day it just stopped working!

>>Read how to improve your Wifi speed.

When Chrome stops working

I was in a panic because I use Chrome for everything! Almost all of my job is done through web pages that I use in Chrome!

My husband, who is also in IT, sensed my panic, said, “Why don’t you just use Edge?” Of course, having been in IT myself for over 16 years, my response was “Use Edge? The dumbed-down spin-off of Internet Explorer? Are you kidding me? I have everything setup in Chrome, I would have to do everything over again in Edge!”

His response was “Here, it’s easy to move everything over, I’ll walk you through it.”

Migrating Chrome to Microsoft Edge is easy

I was sold! Everything moved over, it worked like it should, and I haven’t gone back since! It was so easy to do too. If you are ready to take that plunge, here are the detailed steps to follow and never look back!

Click here to see the process of migrating Chrome to Microsoft Edge.

What to do if Chrome will not launch or open

I know, I know, some of you just want Chrome to work for you! If you don’t want to make the leap to Edge, the good news is you can fix Chrome with a few steps.

Click here is for help on opening Chrome.

How to update Chrome to most recent version

Just make sure you are always running the latest version of Chrome, or any other browser! For Chrome it is easy to verify this information and perform a manual updated if needed.

Click here is see how to update Chrome. 

Answering browser problems and concerns

There are other problems you might have with Chrome and Edge. If you have tried the steps above, are still having issues and you are a client of, please reach out to the Service Desk for additional troubleshooting steps.

If you are not a current client of, please reach out to our Sales Department to see how can help your company with all their IT needs!

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