How to Create a Cyber Security Assessment Checklist

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In today’s ever increasing world of technology, it’s critical to keep your company safe from cybercrime.

One way to do this is by creating a cyber security assessment checklist.

But from identifying regulatory requirements to information security risk assessments, where do you begin?

This blog post will provide tips on how to draft an effective and comprehensive cyber security assessment checklist. By following these steps, you can help protect your business against the ever-growing threat of cyberattacks.

threat assessment checklist for cybersecurity


Why Are Cyber Security Assessment Checklists So Important?

A 38% increase was reported in the number of global cyber attacks between 2021 and 2022.

The need for digital security and cyber security controls is now greater than ever, and the best way to ensure this is with a thorough cyber security risk assessment checklist.

Cybersecurity risk assessment checklists help ensure that your organization has the latest cybersecurity measures in place to stay protected from potential threats. As a result, areas of risk that might otherwise go unnoticed are identified and addressed accordingly.

In drafting your threat assessment checklist for cyber security, you’ll need to:

  1. Define what you want to assess
  2. Identify who will be conducting the assessment
  3. Choose an appropriate methodology
  4. Draft the checklist
  5. Implement the checklist


Drafting Your Threat Assessment Checklist For Cyber Security


1. Define Key Areas To Assess

When creating a threat assessment checklist for cybersecurity, the first step is to get into the mindset of identifying potential risks from all angles.

Consider vulnerabilities in terms of both physical security and digital security. Analyze your business infrastructure to assess how well it can mitigate such risks, as well as evaluate how existing processes fit in with legal requirements and best practices as far as data protection is concerned.

Afterwards, define metrics that you can use to measure performance and effectiveness at each level.

By adhering to these industry standards and developing bespoke measures, you can ensure that your assessment clearly identifies areas where improvement could be made in order to safeguard your systems against cyber threats.

Assessments are commonly conducted in the following areas:

  • Vulnerability scans
  • Access controls
  • Risk management
  • And more

Threat Assessment Checklist For Cyber Security


2. Identify Who Will Conduct The Assessment

Identifying the right personnel to conduct your cybersecurity assessment is a critical and necessary step in ensuring a successful cybersecurity audit.

When outsourcing this responsibility, you will likely prefer to choose a qualified managed IT provider with experience in conducting effective security assessments and crafting tailored protection plans.

A trusted security specialist can provide your organization with expertise, insights, and access to a wide range of resources to free up internal staff who may lack the technical knowledge required to assess more complex cyber risks – or miss key areas in developing your cybersecurity checklist.

To ensure the highest level of your sensitive information, look to to help you create and implement your cybersecurity audit checklist. Check out these additional resources to learn more:


3. Draft Your Cyber Security Audit Checklist

After hunting down an MSP, it’s time to draft your cyber security risk assessment checklist. This is an essential part of establishing a secure defense strategy for your business.

What needs to be included in the checklist depends on the particular requirements of your organization but there are some key areas which need to be addressed regardless.

Your checklist should cover the following areas:

  • Outdated authentication processes
  • Firewall configurations
  • Endpoint protection
  • Data encryption systems
  • Device provisioning
  • Data loss recovery plans
  • Threat monitoring
  • Team cybersecurity training
  • Password protocols
  • Access controls
  • On-site availability in the case of natural disasters, hardware failures, etc.

Addressing all of these key areas in your cyber security assessment checklist will improve the overall quality of security over your operating systems by preventing data breaches and safeguarding sensitive data.

There is no better time than now, as recent projections show that more than 33 billion records will be stolen by cybercriminals by 2023.


4. Implement Your Checklist

Your managed service provider (MSP) can assist you in implementing your cyber risk assessment checklist by following these best practices:

  • Notifying stakeholders across all departments
  • Carrying out regular assessments
  • Implementing risk scores
  • Prioritizing areas requiring immediate action

Following best practices and staying up to date with any changes in technological infrastructure is essential to mitigate the damage caused by any potential cyber attacks – which is especially important considering the average cost of data breach for small businesses is $120,000 to $1.24 million.

MSPs are invaluable partners throughout this process as they can provide not only expertise but also consistent support on an ongoing basis to ensure comprehensive compliance with pertinent regulations and standards.


Assess Your Cybersecurity With

By leveraging the advice and insights of a knowledgeable managed service provider, you can increase your business’ ability to respond appropriately when it comes to navigating the constantly changing cybersecurity landscape.

If you’re interested in learning more about how can be a valuable resource to your business in developing and executing your cyber security assessment checklist, book a free consultation today!

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